Tom Maney Sensei
Maney Sensei began his training in Zen and Aikido in 1995 under the direction of Zenshinkan Dojo founder, Edward Haupt Sensei. After Haupt Sensei's death in 1999, Tom has studied under various Zen teacher associated with Daihonzan Chozen-ji. His emphasis is to show the synergy between mind and body training that is directly applicable to our daily lives. Tom has spent over 25 years training in both Raja yoga and Zen meditation. In the 1970s Tom dedicated many years to living directly with his teacher in a yoga ashram. Tom currently holds the Aikido rank of Nidan with Aikikai Hombu Dojo. Since 2006, Tom has been studying ikebana of the Ohara School under Yoshie Takahashi sensei and Hiroko Matsuyama sensei. Tom holds an Instructor certificate in Ohara School of Ikebana and he is the ikebana instructor at the dojo.